Hi Everyone,
In case you're not in the know...we moved apartments last week! We moved to an apartment on the fourth floor of the same building, for lots of reasons really. We have started a comprehensive list of them...see below.
Reasons our new apartment is better than our old one - draft 1
-it has a view
-the toilet flushes with intensity
-it has a red couch and coffee table
-Ross, his guitar and Allie all fit in the lounge room without anyone endangering their lives as they try to pass by
-the bathroom and toilet are not in the kitchen
-we have a shoe closet
-our balcony has a clothes rack and is twice as big
-the bathroom doesn't smell
-an old person didn't die next door within the last year
-the floor is a nicer colour
-our TV is bigger
-the grill and stovetop are bigger
-we have room for guests now
-we have room for four chairs and our dining table now
-things stick to the walls here so decorating is possible
More to come.....
Check out the pics of our new place! More in the next blog too!
1. Our entrance (magnetic door...very handy!)
2. What we see when we enter (kitchen and dining area)
3. Our kitchen
4. The whole space
5. The 'hallway' off the kitchen to our bathroom
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